“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” -Habakkuk 2:14

Team Dominion
Get involved with the biggest evangelical movement worldwide reaching all 83 counties in michigan.

what is reachout world day
ReachOut World Day is a 24-hour period set aside to cover the whole world with the message of Jesus Christ, through the Rhapsody of Realities in all known languages and dialects. Beyond reaching the whole world, over 7 billion people will be effectively discipled as they're engaged with Rhapsody of Realities in an accountable way. The goal is to bring hope, light, and God's word to every person on Earth.
The devotional is distributed in over 8,123 languages and 4000 dialects. The idea behind Reachout World Day is to ensure that everyone, regardless of language, or location, receives the message of Christ.

Join the Wave of Hope as we Spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ Across All 83 Counties in Michigan! We Are Seeking Volunteers from Individuals, Churches, and Organizations Such As Radio Stations, Hospitals, Schools, Etc., to Join Us In Illuminating Every Corner, County by County, With the Good News. As Matthew 28:19 states, "And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Let's Work Together to Bring the Message of Love and Salvation to Every Corner of This Beautiful State From the Tip of the Keweenaw to the Shores of Lake Erie!
Join Team Dominion.